
New videos are emerging from inside Rancho Izaguirre in Teuchitlán

Groups and media broke through the police cordon and entered the extermination camp in Teuchitlán.

On Thursday, March 20, 2025, new videos and evidence from inside the Rancho Izaguirre in Teuchitlán emerged, pointed out by collectives of missing persons as a possible extermination site.

The discovery at Rancho Izaguirre caused a great commotion in Mexico, as the collectives found various personal items such as clothes, shoes, backpacks, and other belongings, intensifying concerns about the magnitude of the events that took place at the site.

After this discovery, the head of the General Prosecutor’s Office of Mexico (FGJ), Alejandro Gertz Manero, declared that the authorities are carrying out the corresponding investigations. However, dissatisfied with the official response, the groups decided to take action on their own. That same Thursday, they broke through the police cordon and entered Rancho Izaguirre to continue searching for more evidence.

New videos from inside Rancho Izaguirre in Teuchitlán

The new videos shared by various media outlets and collectives show that several areas of Rancho Izaguirre have been cordoned off due to ongoing investigations.

Upon entering the ranch, bathroom cubicles are observed in one of the areas, used by the researchers. In one of the rooms of the property, there is a refrigerator, a stack of red bricks, which were supposedly used as crematoriums, among garbage remains and other objects scattered on the floor. There is also a small kitchen with several pots.

In another area, there is a building with three bathrooms and water tanks for the toilets. To the right, a larger structure housed large amounts of clothing and other personal belongings of the victims.

In several areas of the ranch, numerous holes can be seen, some dug by the Searching Mothers. Due to these investigations, the place is fenced off, preventing access to the media and collectives.

Crematoriums and buried bones at Rancho Izaguirre

The collective of Guerreros Buscadores de Jalisco made a video post showing how they carried out excavation work in search of bones, blood traces, among other things to identify missing persons.

“We want to make it clear that these are not common ovens, but crematoriums used to cremate human bodies. The evidence is clear and compelling,” mentioned the organization of parents and mothers searchers.

The group added: "It is not a setup, it is not an invention. It is the harsh reality that we have found in Teuchitlán. We want the truth to be known and justice to be served for the victims."

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