Do you know the meaning of the “i” in iPhone? Steve Jobs revealed it years ago

iMac was the pioneer in using it in 1998.

¿Te animas a hacer una pausa de 10 minutos la próxima vez que te encuentres bloqueado?
Steve Jobs lo hacía todo el tiempo ¿Te animas a hacer una pausa de 10 minutos la próxima vez que te encuentres bloqueado?

There are elements in our daily lives that we do not question, they are with us and we often ignore their origin; a clear example is the letter “i” that appears on all products from Apple . You probably had never asked yourself this question, although behind that simple letter there is an interesting story that takes us back to the early days of the digital era.


To narrate this story, it is necessary to go back to 1998, when during the presentation of the iMac, Steve Jobs explained the meaning of the famous "i". According to the co-founder of Apple, this letter not only referred to internet connectivity, a feature that was innovative at the time, but also symbolized five essential concepts that would shape the company's philosophy: internet, individuality, instruction, information, and inspiration.


It represents a commitment from Steve Jobs

More than just a complement to the name, it was Jobs' commitment to innovation, personalization, and empowering the user. Jobs' goal was to develop products that not only allowed people to integrate into the digital world, but also motivated and taught them.

However, that was just the beginning of a series of devices that became popular after the release of the iPhone in 2007, where the "i" became a global emblem of technological innovation and aesthetics. Apple's smartphone, thanks to its user-friendly interface and advanced features, wonderfully exemplified the principles associated with this letter.

Over time, the "i" has changed along with Apple products, but its fundamental meaning has remained the same. Today, when we see an iPhone, an iPad, or an iPod, we immediately know that we are in front of a device designed to improve our quality of life and connect us with the world.

Despite Apple expanding its range of products by introducing new designations, the "i" continues to be an essential component of its identity. This element, a legacy of Steve Jobs, reminds us of the importance of innovation, creativity, and user experience.


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