Jennifer Lopez left everyone speechless during her time at the Sundance Film Festival, by delivering an unexpected performance at the renowned nightclub Casamigos. The artist surprised attendees by taking the stage with DJ Chase B to offer an impromptu performance that quickly became the center of attention.
Here we tell you about JLo's participation, who became a trend on social media, as she is one of the most outstanding artists of today.
The Jennifer Lopez show
According to reports from Page Six, JLo arrived at the club in a relaxed atmosphere with overflowing energy. She went straight to the DJ booth, where she started dancing and singing in front of the crowd, performing some of her most well-known hits like "Jenny From the Block", "Get Right", and "All I Have".
A source close to the event shared with the media: "She arrived in a good mood and went straight to her table where she danced and sang during the first part of the night. That's when people started to notice she was there. Then she got on stage and started singing 'Jenny' and then 'All I Have'".
The 55-year-old star's interaction with the attendees was another highlight of the night. The source added: "The energy was buzzing and the Casamigos was flowing. She changed the vibe of the night."
Despite her busy schedule, Jennifer found time to share moments from the party through her Instagram stories, where she posed with friends while wearing a beige outfit consisting of a short jacket and high-waisted pants, complemented with gold jewelry and dark sunglasses.
During her visit to Park City, Jennifer also took part in the world premiere of Kiss of the Spider Woman, a film directed by Bill Condon, in which she plays Ingrid Luna, a famous movie diva who comes to life in the imagination of two Argentine prisoners.
What is Kiss of the Spider Woman about?
The movie, set in an Argentine prison in the early 80s, within the context of the Dirty War, follows the story of two inmates, Luis Molina (played by Tonatiuh) and Valentín Arregui (Diego Luna). Both, in order to escape their reality, create a fantasy in which they imagine a movie starring the iconic Ingrid Luna (Jennifer Lopez).