Elon Musk is known for making frequent jokes about any topic on the Internet. His posts on X, even before it was his platform, when it was called Twitter, are a mix of satire, seriousness, and reality. Although some may have interpreted his proposal as a joke, the entrepreneur insists that his offer is genuine: he offered 1 billion dollars to the owner of Wikipedia in exchange for changing its name to “Dickipedia.”
In English, this refers to the male reproductive organ. It would be equivalent to calling the famous online encyclopedia "Penepedia," which has lost relevance in the last decade due to the growth of Google.
The initial offer was made in October 2023 through a message on their X account. This happened after Jimmy Wales, who created Wikipedia, issued a message declaring that the platform is not for sale, although he asks for contributions of 2 euros for The Wikimedia Foundation "for knowledge".
Elon Musk reaffirms his offer
A member of Elon Musk's X team, known as DogeDesigner, mentioned in a message this offer, and the South African entrepreneur confirmed once again that the proposal is still valid.
"Yes, the proposal is still valid," replied Elon Musk to a tweet from one of his most recognized followers.
The first offer
Wikipedia emphasized its message that if it has provided "equivalent to 2 euros worth of knowledge, please consider joining the 2% of people who have already contributed."
Elon Musk got involved in the announcement and shared an emoji indicating sleepiness. Next, he proposed to donate the 2 billion dollars on the condition that they change the name to Dickipedia.
A user suggested that Wikipedia could change its name to receive a donation and then revert it, to which Elon Musk responded by stating that "it has to stay with the name for a full year."