
Expert stated that there was no romantic relationship between the Menendez brothers, despite what was shown in the Netflix series

Robert Rand is an author who compiled all of his research on the case of Lyle and Erik Menendez into a book.

Following its content line on real crimes, Netflix released a series based on the story of the Menendez brothers, where they portray that their relationship was more loving than fraternal, however, an expert on their case stated that this is not the case.

The story is part of Ryan Murphy's anthology series, "Monster," whose first season was very successful in portraying the case of Jeffrey Dahmer, but it seems that the filmmakers are taking many creative liberties.

The Hollywood Reporter interviewed Robert Rand, author of the book "The Menendez Murders", which was published in 2018 and is the culmination of his journalistic investigation that he carried out for many years on the Menendez brothers, to find out how much of the series is fiction.

Expert in the Menendez brothers case argues that they did not have an incestuous relationship

Robert Rand told The Hollywood Reporter that Lyle and Erik Menendez were young athletes who never used drugs, so that is another lie portrayed in the Netflix series.

Regarding the possible incestuous relationship portrayed in "Monsters: The Lyle and Erik Menendez Story", the author stated that this "fantasy" originated from the mind of journalist Dominick Dunne.

"During the trial, there were rumors that there might have been some kind of strange relationship between Erik and Lyle. But I believe the only physical contact they could have had is what Lyle testified, that when Lyle was 8 years old, he took Erik to the woods and played with him using a toothbrush, which is what [their father] Jose had done to him. So, of course, I wouldn't call that a sexual relationship of any kind. It's a response to trauma," detailed Robert Rand.

The author was also present the day Lyle recounted how his father had abused him; all the journalists and jurors broke down in tears at how raw it had been. However, in the Netflix series, this confession happened in private and only to his lawyer.

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