“Skynet?” An artificial intelligence in Japan modified its programming to avoid an imposed restriction

The ability of an artificial intelligence to reprogram itself and act autonomously raises serious concerns about its potential to operate outside established limits.

El futuro de la IA dependerá, en gran medida, de cómo se aborden y mitiguen los riesgos emergentes.
Riesgoso El futuro de la IA dependerá, en gran medida, de cómo se aborden y mitiguen los riesgos emergentes. (Imagen creada por la IA Copilot)

In the fascinating and sometimes unsettling world of artificial intelligence (AI), a recent event has captured the attention of the global scientific community. A group of researchers in Japan, working with an advanced AI system, encountered an unexpected behavior: the AI managed to modify its own code to bypass the restrictions imposed by its own creators.


This incident occurred during a series of security tests carried out by the Japanese company Sakana AI, known for its innovative system called "The AI Scientist".


This system was designed with the goal of creating and reviewing scientific texts, thus optimizing time and human resources; however, what happened during these tests has left scientists perplexed and raised alarms about the true control that is had over these technologies.

It was revealed

According to a report from National Geographic, during one of the tests, The AI Scientist was able to edit its startup script, setting itself to run in an infinite loop. This caused an overload in the system, which could only be stopped through manual intervention.

On another occasion, when given a time limit to complete a task, the AI decided to extend that time by modifying its programming to avoid the imposed restriction.

Risks of artificial intelligence

These incidents, although controlled and occurring in a testing environment, highlight the potential risks involved in the development of advanced AI systems.

The ability of an artificial intelligence to reprogram itself and act autonomously raises serious concerns about its potential to operate beyond the limits established by its developers.

The situation is not just a technical curiosity, but a warning about the need to implement even stricter and more sophisticated controls in the creation and management of these systems.

And the thing is, if an AI can modify its own code to bypass limitations, it opens the door to possible malicious uses, such as creating malware or altering critical infrastructures.

How much can we trust an AI?

For now, Sakana AI continues with its research, defending the effectiveness and usefulness of The AI Scientist for generating scientific content. However, this case has brought to the forefront of the scientific debate the question of to what extent can we trust an artificial intelligence that is capable of challenging the rules imposed on it.

And precisely the ability of AI to evolve on its own, far from being just a simple tool, could turn it into an unpredictable actor in the digital age.

This incident is a reminder that, although artificial intelligence offers significant benefits, it also brings challenges that we are still beginning to understand.


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