
“The name has changed at the top of the ticket, but the mission hasn’t changed at all”: Biden reappears at Kamala Harris’ campaign event

The president of the US, confined due to covid-19, spoke over the phone and his words were amplified for the vice president's campaign team.

She is not the official candidate, but she seems to be. This Monday afternoon, Kamala Harris, at her headquarters in Wilmington, Delaware, had her first campaign event to lead the democratic ticket and defeat Donald Trump. “It is my intention to win this nomination and emerge victorious,” she said, adding that she also wants to “unite our Party, unite our nation, and win these elections.”

In statements to her campaign staff, Harris acknowledged the "rollercoaster" they have experienced in recent weeks, but expressed confidence in her new team.

What did Kamala say in her first campaign event?

She quickly touched on the key issues in her campaign against Trump in the next 100 days, contrasting her time as a prosecutor with the convictions against Trump for serious crimes. "I know the type of Donald Trump", she commented, projecting herself as a defender of economic opportunity and access to abortion.

"Our struggle for the future is also a struggle for freedoms," he stated. "The baton is in our hands."

The surprising appearance of Joe Biden

President Biden joined the campaign meeting via a call from his home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, where he is recovering from Covid-19, to show his support for Harris.

“The name has changed at the top of the ticket, but the mission hasn’t changed at all” said Biden in his first public statements since announcing his decision, promising that “I’m not going anywhere” and that he plans to campaign on behalf of Harris.

“And by the way, I’m not going anywhere. I’m going to be out there on the campaign with her, with Kamala. I’m going to be working like hell, both as a sitting president getting legislation passed as well as campaigning. You know, we still need to save this democracy, and Trump is still a danger to the community. He’s a danger to the nation,” added Biden.

Biden did not delve into the decision to drop out of the campaign, but he stayed connected while Harris spoke and he was heard telling his vice president: "I'm watching you, girl. I love you."

When will Biden address the nation?

The President of the United States plans to speak about his decision to drop out of the race in a national address in the coming days.

Everything seems to be subject to his recovery from Covid-19. "President Joe Biden's symptoms have almost completely resolved," according to his doctor, although he completed the fifth consecutive day in isolation.

The president was last seen in public on Wednesday night after arriving at a US air base in Dover, Delaware, following a positive test result while campaigning in Las Vegas. He then traveled in a caravan to his vacation home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware.

Biden's doctor, Dr. Kevin O'Connor, said that the president had completed his tenth dose of the medication Paxlovid to fight covid-19 and continued to carry out all his presidential duties.

The White House indicated that Biden received separate briefings on Monday from Homeland Security Advisor Liz Sherwood-Randall and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan. Both briefings were conducted virtually.

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