How much will Keir Starmer earn as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom?

His salary will be significantly lower than that of other powers, such as the United States and Germany.

Downing Street 10
Keir Starmer Keir Starmer y su esposa Victoria frente a la entrada de su nueva residencia en Downing Street 10 en Londres, la casa del primer ministro del Reino Unido. (Kin Cheung/AP)

Many political experts claim that the monthly and annual salaries of presidents and heads of government are a great indicator to predict the economic and social reality and stability of a nation.


This theory is supported by the doctor in Economic History and professor at the University of the Republic of Uruguay (UDELAR), Javier Rodríguez Weber, who stated in an interview on the DW website that "there you can observe the price levels, income differences, and define where presidents actually earn more or less".


It could be said that currently and for several years now, that possibly the United States, China, Germany, the United Kingdom, France, and Russia are some of the most powerful and influential countries in global politics. In light of this, let's find out what salary is established for holding the highest government positions in their nations.

Salaries of leaders of powerful countries

  • Keir Starmer: the new resident at Downing Street 10 will receive a salary that consists of two parts: $117,000 for being a MP in the House of Commons, plus an additional $96,600 for being Prime Minister. That adds up to a total of $213,600 annually.
  • Joe Biden: The current president and candidate for re-election in the United States, has been receiving a salary of $400,000 annually since he took office on January 20, 2021, which amounts to about $1,000 daily for his duties as the leader of the most powerful nation in the world.
  • Xi Jinping: The 71-year-old politician and chemical engineer is the President of the People's Republic of China, and according to official data published in 2015, he receives an annual salary of $22,256.
  • Olaf Scholz: The Federal Chancellor of Germany and one of the main leaders of the Social Democratic Party of his country, receives a gross monthly salary of $35,600 and an annual total of $427,000.
  • Emmanuel Macron: the current president receives 206,000 dollars annually.

Latin American presidents

According to DW, the top 5 Latin American leaders who earn the most in terms of gross monthly salary (USD) are:

  1. Luis Lacalle Pou (Uruguay): 22,289.
  2. Bernardo Arévalo (Guatemala): 19.062.
  3. Rodrigo Chaves Robles (Costa Rica): 10,915.
  4. Andrés M. López Obrador (Mexico): 9.994.
  5. Gustavo Petro (Colombia): 9,513.


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